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  • Talent Policy

    Basic Employee Rights

    We have a staff of 406 representing the head office and branch companies. A devoted people-centered company, we put importance on good faith, innovation, teamwork and enterprise. To do so, we do our best to make the working environment humanized, warm and comfortable by signing employment contracts with the entire staff on wages and benefits. We also attach importance to policy on occupational health and career development so we and the staff advance together.

    Employee Equality

    All our employment contracts, based on such national laws, legislation and regulations as the Labor Relations Act and the Employment Contract Act, are signed with employees according to the principle of equality, free will and fair negotiation. In job interviews we forbid discrimination arising from sex, age, nationality, religion and disabilities. The originals of the ID card and related documents of every job seeker are very closely examined to preclude child labor and forced labor. In 2021, 100% of our staff signed or renewed the employment contracts.

    Employee Equality

    Female Rights

    We set equal wage policy for male and female employees in regard of pay fixation, pay adjustment and various other benefits in order to bring out the best in the females. We strictly implement the Regulation on the Industries Forbidden for Female Employees, ensuring they’re entitled to such childbirth-relevant legal rights as pregnancy leave and maternity leave. Every female employee has half-day leave on Women’s Day as per the State Council directives and receives special gifts in celebration of the festival.

    Female Rights

    Pay System

    We’re always stepping up efforts to improve the HR management system, pay system and incentive system. There’re institutions in place to best protect such employee rights as pay, benefits, working hours, holidays and work safety protection.

    Pay System

    Employee Welfare

    At both the home office and subsidiaries, we maintain such insurance products as pension, health insurance, unemployment insurance, work injury insurance and maternity insurance for the employees, if applicable. There’re also commercial insurance products for them and their children, such as accident insurance and supplemental insurance. In 2021, we continued to provide our employees with board/lodging and bus service. Every year we have health checks, holiday gifts and birthday cake coupons for our staff. In order to make their work and life more colorful, we organize team extensions, ball games, departmental parties & gatherings, and annual gatherings.

    Employee Welfare

    Safety Awareness, Training and Education

    • Employees are provided with a suitable working environment, knowledge and pragmatic training on occupational safety and other safety tips.
    • For special occupations, operators must get government qualifications and authorizations and go through annual inspection. Employees share workplace accidents cases and take part in systematic emergency drills on a regular basis.
    • By 2021, we had completed a total of 132 various training sessions.

    Safety Awareness, Training and Education

    Improvements in the Working and Living Environments

    • We look on the entire staff as a family and give them care and love in every aspect.
    • In addition to the current diverse welfare system, we’ve redecorated the offices, canteens and dorms in the past more than a year so they live better and more comfortably and enjoy a higher sense of belonging.

    Improvements in the Working and Living Environments

    Talent Classification and Sustainable Development

    Differential Employee Development Strategy

    • As for talent development, we grow with the employees and share our success with them. There’s a differential career development system targeting managers and technicians.

    • A well-developed online/offline training system is in place so the employees can improve themselves and grasp personal development opportunities by learning in a diverse training environment.

    • In 2021, we identified talent based on different levels and specialties pertinent to our current traditional operations and future innovation operations. We classified our employees into the managerial type, market type, technical type and innovative type. They went through a comprehensive analysis designed to assess various capabilities and qualities. After that we prepared and implemented a differential development plan.

    Differential Employee Development Strategy

    Training and Learning Propels Personal Development

    • In 2021, we carried out organized online/offline training programs in various forms — internal & external team training, fragmented time training, and program workshop. The training & development programs cost ¥625,700 and per capita training time came to 49 h.

    • The employees received training on workplace & process safety, food safety, the authorized economic operator (AEO) system and professional credentials & certificates. We went on with our new apprenticeship system, i.e. a vocational education program involving both the school and the enterprise in order to improve professional skills for employees. We also completed multiple special training programs with success, e.g. core skill training for mid-and-lower-level management, the high-potential young employee development program, and the smart manufacturing knowledge popularization program.

    Training and Learning Propels Personal Development

    Talent Recruitment

    Provide safe, healthy and high-quality nutrient products and valuable solutions, and promote public health through nutritional regulation" is the corporate mission of CABIO

    Talent Recruitment