In active response to the government’s strategic goal of peak carbon emissions and carbon neutrality, we include green development as a component of our corporate development strategy. To do so we choose such solutions as low carbon, environmental protection, and clean, green manufacturing in strict compliance with environmental laws and regulations and materialize the consciousness of green production and environmental protection. In 2021, we continually stepped up environmental investments. Thus far the we’re carrying out a cost reduction and efficiency enhancement plan along with waste recycling measures, thanks to a complete set of liquid, gaseous and solid waste treatment facilities.
In Gedian, we discharge part of the unorganized emissions from manufacturing as well as organized emissions, such as process gas and malodorous gas from wastewater treatment facilities. All the gas must pass the emissions standards before discharge. The Gedian-based plant is granted approval for emissions of 0.1 t/a SO2, 0.468 t/a NOx, 0.42 t/a smoke & dust and 2.552 t/a VOCs. We’ve won a bid from Hubei Environmental Resources Trading Center on 2021 emissions of 0.1 t/a SO2 and 0.468 t/a NOx, and smoke & dust and VOCs are equivalently deducted from the emissions allowance.
At the Jiangxia-based plant, all the emissions are process-generated organized emissions shown in tests to be in line with applicable emissions standards. In December 2018, the Jiangxia-based plant won a bid from Hubei Environmental Resources Trading Center on emissions of 0.58 t/a SO2 and 2.78 t/a NOx. At Jiangxia, we have a 10 t/h gas boiler in service and a 1 t/h gas boiler on standby. The 10 t/h gas boiler has a 8,040 annual working hour. The SO2 emissions and NOx emissions are 0 t/a and 0.839 t/a, indicating no substandard excessive emissions.
Liquid waste includes primarily industrial wastewater and domestic wastewater. In 2021, we discharged 122,314 t wastewater in Gedian and 111,959 t wastewater in Jiangxia, both treated in full compliance with the Directive for the Pollutant Discharge of Urban Wastewater Treatment Plants (GB18918-2002; Class 1.A). There was no case of substandard excessive discharge.
Both branch companies comply with the limit levels 2 and 4 of the Emissions Standard for the Boundary Ambient Noise Emissions of Industrial Enterprises (GB 12348-2008), according to an independent testing service provider.
In Gedian, we employ a competent waste treatment plant to recycle solid waste or consign it to the regular disposal of the sanitary authority. We recycle and reuse part of such waste. In Jiangxia, solid waste is usually gathered and regularly consigned it to the regular treatment of the sanitary authority. Sludge is consigned to Green Energy Eco-tech Co., Ltd. for biomass power generation before being made into organic fertilizer. Hazardous waste is collected and regularly consigned to the disposal of the competent waste treatment plant.